
About Me درباره من

نشانی خانه یی که در آن چشم به جهان گشودم و بزرگ شدم

باغ شاه، خیابان کمالی، خیابان مخصوص. کوچه عارف، پلاک ۳۰، طبقه سوم، چهل امیرانی

My home where I was born and grew up:

Baghe Shah, Khiyabane Kamali, Khiyabane Makhsoos,
Koche Aref, Pelake 30, Tabaghe Sevom, Chehel Amirani

به ديدار من آمدید چيزى جز انسانيت و ايرانيت ندارم كه با آن از شما پذيرايى كنم؛ آموخته ها و آزمون هایم  را در این جهان مجازی به یادگار  گذاشته ام تا اینگوته میزبان شما مهمانان گرامی باشم. به خانه من، به خانه خودتان خوش آمدید.  ب 

بهمن چهل امیرانی - انسان شناس

کوتاه در مورد من اینکه در ایران چشم به جهان گشودم و بیست سال نخست را در این سرزمین زندگی کردم . از ایران به اروپا، به اسکاندیناوی، به سوید کوچ کردم و اکنون سالهاست که در سرزمین  وایکینگها به سر می برم. در دانشگاه  اوپسالا انسان شناسی خوانده ام  و اکنون سال هاست که در کارهای دولتی  و غیردولتی که همه به گونه یی با انسان در پیوند بوده اند کار کرده ام. بیشتر بخوانید

ID شناسنامه

I am a trained anthropologist, holding a Master of democracy from Uppsala University. I have long nurtured a broad interest in issues involving humans as cultural and social being. The learning content and its area is close to my heart, and to continue working in this field for me is a powerful motivator.


I have, for over 20 years, supported people in need of various forms of assistant. My commitment is deep, and I have acquired my knowledge and experience in a variety of venues. I have done volunteer work and I have participated in different profit and nonprofit organizations to make a difference in my community. I have a good practical and theoretical support within my field which has given me the opportunity to hold lectures and led radio and TV programs for several years.

It has been rewarding to pass on my knowledge and experience to a larger audience. There has also been a great addition to my more tangible and practical work with people. To combine theory and practice has been stimulating and it has anchored my understanding in the business field. I have had many interesting, stimulating and touching encounters with people in difficult situations. These meetings I carry with me in my heart, and they strengthen me and motivates me to new challenges.

As a person, I am happy and positive. I am responsible, careful and disciplined with understanding and acceptance of established rules. People around me describe me as a reliable and socially competent person with a high work ethic. I always give that little bit extra, as the surroundings are often given me positive feedback.

Experiences کارنامه


I believe in a sustainable world and of human creativity and the ability to take responsibility. Based on such an attitude, without being a member of any group and on my own, I helped asylum seekers, especially hidden refugees who were vulnerable. At the age of eleven, I experienced a revolution in Iran and an eight-year war between Iran and Iraq. After a four-year secondary education in science I fled from the country in 1987 and since then I have never gone back there. I walked across the border into Turkey, escaped by flight from Istanbul to Germany, hiding on a train which took me to Denmark and eventually I came to Sweden by a boat. Since then I have studied and worked and been a human rights activist. Below are some of my experience and qualifications:




I founded the company Café Amirani 2009 and took Nils Café in Queen Street for about five years while I had my other work as below. Read more ...


The company's focus was home care service and I was employed there during that time to support my mother who had cancer.


The Company offered various supports to vulnerable children. Later on we establish the same company in Borås, Västergötland to assist children in needs.


I worked in this position for over four years. My main duty was to treat addicted criminals. The Prison and Probation Service (Kriminalvården), is the country's fourth largest agency with 9,000 employees. The main tasks of the Prison and Probation Service are to implement prison and probation sentences, to supervise individuals released under special conditions, to implement instructions for community service, and to carry out pre-sentence investigations in criminal cases. Read more ...


I worked in a bakery, taking great interest in my duties and performed them to the full satisfaction.



Master degree in Developing Democracy from non-European cultures to Western civilization with many academic aspects. Read more ...


As an anthropologist, I study the human being in a global and cross-cultural perspective, variations in behavior and thought patterns around the world and how people shape and are shaped by the communities and cultures in which they live. Read more ...



Association Caravan organized social activities such as festivals and lectures in hopes of integrating different communities in society.


Radio Ava is a local radio in Stockholm and I, during the period mentioned above, had one hour live program in a week about various social issues. I have also participated in many discussion programs in Swedish media and conducted a variety of lectures.

Qualifications گواهینامه

About UU در باره دانشگاه اوپسالا


Quality, knowledge, and creativity since 1477, Worldclass research and first-rate education of global use to society, business, and culture. One of northern Europe´s most highly ranked universities.

The Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology offers a lively environment for higher education and research. The disciplines of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology represent different research traditions and educational trajectories in terms of thematic and regional focus. But the two disciplines also collaborate, for instance, in our joint basic level programme entitled Culture, Society and Ethnography, and in master courses, as well as in specific research activities.

Department of
Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology

درباره انسان شناسی فرهنگی

انسان شناسی فرهنگی – همانگونه که از نامَش پیدا ست – شناخت انسان است، انسانی که تنها موجود با فرهنگِ جهان می باشد. همه ی فرهنگ ها در گوهر همانندی هایی دارند چراکه همه ی آنها در گهواره یی پیدایش یافته، رُشد کرده اند که ما آن را سپهر (طبیعت) می نامیم. اما ا ز آنجایی که سپهر این کره ی خاکی یک دست و همانند نیست هر فرهنگی رشدِ ویژه ی خود را دا شته است. گذرزمان هم فرهنگ ها را از همدیگر دور کرده و به سمت و سوهای گوناگونی کشانده است. کوشش انسان شناسان بر آن است که انسان را از دیدگاه های گوناگون بشنا سند و همانندی ها و ناهمانندی های آنها را با ریزبینی بنگرند. چگونه هر انسان، فرهنگ خود را می سازد و چگونه خود، ساخته و پرداخته ی همان فرهنگ است؟ چگونه در فرهنگ های این سو و آن سوی جهان همانندی هایی به چشم می خورد که یکی بودن و همبسته بودن انسان را به نمایش میگذارندوچگونه گوناگون بودن فرهنگی مازیبایی زندگی راهمچون گلستانی پُرازگلهای گوناگون چندین برابر می کند؟ 


What is Cultural Anthropology?

The word culture has its origin in Latin cultura and means 'cultivation', one man facetiae concepts that have been defined on many different ways among other thing "a society's patterns of existence" or "those common thoughts and feelings that together govern our words and documents". The concept anthropology has its origin in Greek and comprises antropos or anthropos that means 'people' and logi or logos that means 'words' and log'ia smiled 'learn', 'science' or 'the faith about'. With culture anthropology means one therefore 'the faith about the people that culture [being]', to give knowledge about how the people shape and to be shaped of its culture and those society relations during what she liver, and give knowledge about the variations in those different cultures and society shapes that people created.


Culture or "cultivation" is the people's ways to use the natural resources i e. ecology, economy or technology - here covers the ensemble average people and nature / nature and people. But the ensemble can also cover people and culture / culture and people. Some examples within this area are:


I. The people's ways to organize the society i e. distribution of work, social organization, political system or court order.

II. The people's ways to analyze, explain and to experience the reality i e. reality view, ideology or world picture.

III. The people's ways to express everything this in standardized symbolic mould i e. myth, ritual, art, sport, religion, ornament ring, classifications system and etc.


As said is the many different ways for an anthropologic to learn to know the people that a culture being: physical, sociological, psycho logical, archaeological, linguistics, theologies, philosophical, pedagogies, medical, ecological, folkloristic, symbolic, myths, ritualism, historical etc.




Anthropology ænθrɵˈpɒlədʒi is the "science of humanity". It has origins in the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. The term "anthropology" is from the Greek anthrōpos (ἄνθρωπος), "man", understood to mean humankind or humanity, and - logia (-λογία), "discourse" or "study".

Academic publications نوشته های دانشگاهی

Chehel Amirani, Bahman, 2004, Romerska kejsare i efterantik litteratur, Niccoló Machiavelli och återupplivandet av det romerska arvet. Institutionen för arkeologi och antik historia: Uppsala Universitet.

Chehel Amirani, Bahman, 2004, Modernism, Postmodernism & Globalisering. Institutionen för abm, estetik och kulturstudier: Uppsala universitetet. 

Chehel Amirani, Bahman, 2004, Postmodernism inom två konstarter eller populärkulturområden. Institutionen för abm, estetik och kulturstudier: Uppsala universitet.