
What do I believe? چیست باور من؟

Katedra (The Cathedral) by Tomasz Bagiński

We humans have throughout history constructed new lifestyle, political systems and the like. We have called them everything, philosophy, religion and so on. What they all have in common is that they have had a thought, an idea behind it. The word "ideology" is used here to "get to know every idea" behind each phenomenon. At the same time we try to create tolerance, which is a major task in our world in order to live together in peace and freedom.

Bahman Chehel Amirani

ما انسان ها از گذشته یی دور تا به امروز راه و روش های زندگی، شیوه های گوناگون سیاسی و مانند آنها را ساخته ایم. آنها را چیزهای گوناگونی مانند فلسفه، دین و ... نامیده یم. آنچه که در بین همه آنها همانند است اینکه همه آنها در پشت سر خود یک اندیشه، یک ایده، دارند. واژه ایدئولوژی یا اندیشه شناسی در اینجا با همین کاربرد بررسی می شود: شناخت هر اندیشه یی که پشت هر پدیده یی وجود دارد. همزمان با بررسی اندیشه ها می کوشیم تا بردباری که یک خویشکاری مهم برای دستیابی به آرامش و آزادی است را هم در اینجا به وجود بیاوریم.                                                                                  ا

بهمن چهل امیرانی

Bertrand Arthur William Russell (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, social critic and political activist. At various points in his life he considered himself a liberal, a socialist, and a pacifist, but he also admitted that he had never been any of these in any profound sense. He was born in Monmouthshire, into one of the most prominent aristocratic families in Britain.

Dear Believer


An ideology (idea, "Thought" and logia, "discourse" or " "study") is a set of conscious and unconscious ideas that constitute one's goals, expectations, and actions. The term "ideology" was born in the highly controversial philosophical and political debates and fights of the French Revolution and acquired several other meanings from the early days of the First French Empire to the present.

Widely used today ideology generally in the sense of belief, especially to society. An ideology in this sense represents a reasonably coherent unit which contains both assumptions about the nature of reality as values ​​and operating norms. Being a supporter of an ideology therefore means that you accept its reality description, share its core values ​​and supports its action.